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Using Run-Time Data for Program Comprehension., , and . IWPC, page 245-250. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Extracting Interactions in Component-Based Systems, , , , and . IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 34 (6): 783-799 (2008)Follow the Successful Herd: Towards Explanations for Improved Use and Mental Models of Natural Language Systems., , , , , , , , , and 4 other author(s). IUI, page 220-239. ACM, (2023)Improving Dynamic Data Analysis with Aspect-Oriented Programming., and . CSMR, page 259-. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)A Goal-Driven Natural Language Interface for Creating Application Integration Workflows., , , , , , , , , and 7 other author(s). AAAI, page 13155-13157. AAAI Press, (2022)NewsCache - A High-Performance Cache Implementation for Usenet News., and . USENIX ATC, General Track, page 213-224. USENIX, (1999)Adaptation and Composition Techniques for Component-Based Software Engineering. Technische Universität Wien, (February 2002)Combining Quality Assurance and Model Transformations in Business-Driven Development, , and . Proc.of Agtive2007, Springer, (2007)Pervasive Challenges for Software Components., , and . RISSEF, volume 2941 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 152-166. Springer, (2002)WebMon: A Performance Profiler for Web Transactions., , , and . WECWIS, page 171-176. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)