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How Often Should I Access My Online Social Networks?, , и . MASCOTS, стр. 189-200. IEEE Computer Society, (2019)Strategic reasoning about bundling in swarming systems., , , и . GAMENETS, стр. 611-620. IEEE, (2009)Chapter 8: Software Aging Monitoring and Rejuvenation for the Assessment of High Availability Systems - Extended Abstract., , и . ISSRE Workshops, стр. 327. IEEE, (2020)Aging and Rejuvenation Models of Load Changing Attacks in Micro-Grids., , и . ISSRE Workshops, стр. 17-24. IEEE, (2021)Reciprocity and Barter in Peer-to-Peer Systems., , и . INFOCOM, стр. 1505-1513. IEEE, (2010)Rejuvenation and the Spread of Epidemics in General Topologies., , , , и . ISSRE Workshops, стр. 414-419. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Computing the Hit Rate of Similarity Caching., , , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 141-146. IEEE, (2022)An SMDP approach to optimal PHY configuration in wireless networks., , , , и . WONS, стр. 128-135. IEEE, (2017)Filters for Social Media Timelines: Models, Biases, Fairness and Implications., и . SBRC Companion, стр. 153-160. (2020)Patch or Exploit? NVD Assisted Classification of Vulnerability-Related GitHub Pages., , , и . CSCML, том 13914 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 511-522. Springer, (2023)