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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

WetlandNet: Semantic Segmentation for Remote Sensing Images of Coastal Wetlands via Improved UNet with Deconvolution., , , , und . ICGEC, Volume 1107 von Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Seite 281-292. Springer, (2019)Load Balancing RPL Routing Protocol Based on Non-uniform Clustering., , und . DSIT, Seite 191-195. ACM, (2021)RBF Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms Based Optimization Control of Aluminum Powder Nitrogen Atomization Process., und . CDC/ECC, Seite 8048-8053. IEEE, (2005)Target detection algorithm based on CNN and its FPGA implementation., , , und . ICIAI, Seite 99-102. ACM, (2021)A Study on Range Equation Modeling for Distributed MEO SAR-GMTI., und . IGARSS, Seite 8154-8157. IEEE, (2023)An Improved Energy Management Strategy for Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicles Based on the Pontryagin's Minimum Principle., , , , , und . IAS, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Person Re-identification Using Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Network., , , und . ICPR, Seite 3341-3346. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Cloud-edge collaboration composition and scheduling for flexible manufacturing service with a multi-population co-evolutionary algorithm., , , , und . Robotics Comput. Integr. Manuf., (2024)The Maximum Likelihood Method of Calculation of Reliability Index of Engineering Structures., , und . ICICA (2), Volume 106 von Communications in Computer and Information Science, Seite 268-274. Springer, (2010)FPGA implementation of edge detection for Sobel operator in eight directions., , , und . APCCAS, Seite 520-523. IEEE, (2018)