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Stochastic Ordering of Likelihood Ratios and Partial Sufficiency, и . Statistics, 22 (4): 551--558 (1991)Conditional variability ordering of distributions., и . Ann. Oper. Res., 32 (1): 127-140 (1991)Inference for random sampling processes. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 32 (1): 129--140 (июня 1989)A CONSISTENCY RESULT IN GENERAL CENSORING MODELS, и . Statistics, 37 (3): 205--216 (2003)Two remarks on order statistics. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 11 (1): 71--74 (января 1985)Worst case portfolio vectors and diversification effects.. Finance and Stochastics, 16 (1): 155-175 (2012)On the internal path length of d-dimensional quad trees., и . Random Struct. Algorithms, 15 (1): 25-41 (1999)Optimal solutions of multivariate coupling problems. Angewandte Mathematik und Informatik / Universität Münster Univ., Münster, (1993)Note on the Weighted Internal Path Length of b-ary Trees., и . Discret. Math. Theor. Comput. Sci., (2007)Supermodular and directionally convex comparison results for general factor models., и . J. Multivar. Anal., (2024)