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Effect Regulated Projection of Robot's Action Space for Production and Prediction of Manipulation Primitives Through Learning Progress and Predictability-Based Exploration., , , и . IEEE Trans. Cogn. Dev. Syst., 13 (2): 286-297 (2021)Discovering Predictive Relational Object Symbols With Symbolic Attentive Layers., , , и . IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett., 9 (2): 1977-1984 (февраля 2024)Imitation and mirror systems in robots through Deep Modality Blending Networks., , , , , и . Neural Networks, (2022)Heuristic algorithms for obtaining Polynomial Threshold Functions with low densities., и . CTW, стр. 81-84. (2015)Models of mirror system.. Scholarpedia, 2 (10): 3276 (2007)Interplay Between Neural Computational Energy and Multimodal Processing in Robot-Robot Interaction., , , и . ICDL, стр. 15-21. IEEE, (2023)Affordance learning from range data for multi-step planning., , и . EpiRob, (2009)A Model for Cognitively Valid Lifelong Learning., и . ROBIO, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2023)Adaptive Inverse Kinematics of a 9-DOF Surgical Robot for Effective Manipulation., , и . ICARM, стр. 678-683. IEEE, (2019)A kernel-based approach to direct action perception., , , и . ICRA, стр. 2605-2610. IEEE, (2012)