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RF Metasurface Based 'Add-Ons' for Boosting Signal-To-Noise Ratio of 1.5T MRI Scans., , , , und . NCC, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2023)Predicting Vulnerability for Requirements., , , , und . IRI, Seite 160-167. IEEE, (2021)Completeness of Natural Language Requirements: A Comparative Study of User Stories and Feature Descriptions., , , , und . IRI, Seite 52-57. IEEE, (2023)Eliciting Environmental Opposites for Requirements-Based Testing., , , und . RE Workshops, Seite 10-13. IEEE, (2022)SecureChange: An Automated Framework to Guide Programmers in Fixing Vulnerability., , und . SEKE, Seite 560-565. KSI Research Inc., (2020)Performance evaluation of a community structure finding algorithm using modularity and C-rand measures., , , , und . IJCNN, Seite 1-8. IEEE, (2010)Automated generation of creative software requirements: a data-driven approach., und . WASPI@ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE, Seite 9-12. ACM, (2018)Portability as an aspect: rethinking modularity in mobile game development., , und . AOSD (Companion), Seite 3-4. ACM, (2011)An empirical study of text-based machine learning models for vulnerability detection., , und . Empir. Softw. Eng., 28 (2): 38 (März 2023)Information on Potential Vulnerabilities for New Requirements: Does It Help Writing Secure Code?, und . RE, Seite 408-413. IEEE, (2021)