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Data-driven vocal folds models for the representation of both acoustic and high speed video data., und . IJCNN, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2015)Learning pseudo-physical models for sound synthesis and transformation., und . SMC, Seite 1085-1090. IEEE, (1998)Diagonal Unloading Beamforming in the Spherical Harmonic Domain for Acoustic Source Localization in Reverberant Environments., , und . IEEE ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process., (2020)Frequency map selection using a RBFN-based classifier in the MVDR beamformer for speaker localization in reverberant rooms., , und . INTERSPEECH, Seite 3298-3301. ISCA, (2015)Enhanced videokymographic data analysis based on vocal folds dynamics modeling., und . INTERSPEECH, Seite 2172-2176. ISCA, (2015)Onboard Audio and Video Processing for Secure Detection, Localization, and Tracking in Counter-UAV Applications., , , , , , und . ICMCIS, Volume 205 von Procedia Computer Science, Seite 20-27. Elsevier, (2022)An integrated system for analysis-modification-resynthesis of singing., und . SMC, Seite 1254-1259. IEEE, (1998)A late fusion deep neural network for robust speaker identification using raw waveforms and gammatone cepstral coefficients., , und . Expert Syst. Appl., (Juli 2023)Spherical Harmonic Diagonal Unloading Beamforming with Ego-Noise Reduction for DOA Estimation from Autonomous Systems., , und . WASPAA, Seite 216-220. IEEE, (2021)On the use of kernel-based methods in sound synthesis by physical modeling., und . Numer. Algorithms, 45 (1-4): 315-329 (2007)