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Experience in developing interoperations among legacy information systems using partial reverse engineering.

, and . ICSM, page 369-372. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)

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The graphical interpretation of plausible tacit knowledge flows., , and ., volume 24 of CRPIT, page 37-46. Australian Computer Society, (2003)Behavioural Object Clustering., , and . Future Databases, volume 3 of Advanced Database Research and Development Series, page 186-193. World Scientific, Singapore, (1992)Precedency Control and Other Semantic Integrity Issues in a Workbench Database.. Engineering Design Applications, page 97-104. IEEE Computer Society, (1983)Maintaining Meaning of Information when it is Shared amongst Information Systems., , , and . IJEIS, 2 (2): 63-77 (2006)Experience in developing interoperations among legacy information systems using partial reverse engineering., and . ICSM, page 369-372. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)View updates in a semantic data modelling paradigm., , and . ADC, page 29-36. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)Version Consistency and Serializability in Design Databases., and . ICDT, volume 326 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 368-382. Springer, (1988)On the Value of Commutative Diagrams in Information Modelling., and . AMAST, page 45-58. Springer, (1993)Fit, failure, and the house of horrors: toward a configurational theory of IS project failure., , and . ICIS, page 349-366. Association for Information Systems, (1997)On category theory as a (meta) ontology for information systems research., and . FOIS, page 59-69. ACM, (2001)