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Resilient distributed averaging: Adversary detection and topological insights., , и . Syst. Control. Lett., (2024)Cooperative control of manipulator robotic systems with unknown dynamics., , , и . ICAR, стр. 401-406. IEEE, (2015)An adaptive observer-based controller design for time-delay teleoperation with uncertainty in environment and parameters., , и . ACC, стр. 3710-3715. IEEE, (2011)On designing of leader-follower impedance consensus controllers for Lagrangian multi-agent systems., , , и . AIM, стр. 1085-1090. IEEE, (2016)A novel architecture for cooperative remote rehabilitation system., , и . Comput. Electr. Eng., (2016)Multi-Lateral Teleoperation Based on Multi-Agent Framework: Application to Simultaneous Training and Therapy in Telerehabilitation., , , и . Frontiers Robotics AI, (2020)Hierarchical control of linear systems using extended robust approximate simulation., , и . Eur. J. Control, (2024)Adaptive bilateral teleoperation of an unknown object handled by multiple robots under unknown communication delay., , , и . AIM, стр. 1158-1163. IEEE, (2013)Force estimation of end-effector interacting with non-passive soft tissue in robotic beating heart surgery., , , и . AIM, стр. 1411-1416. IEEE, (2016)