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Chalk and Cheese in Twitter: Discriminating Personal and Organization Accounts., , и . ECIR, том 9022 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 465-476. (2015)Influentials, novelty, and social contagion, , и . Social Networks, 34 (4): 470--480 (октября 2012)Mining Antagonistic Communities from Social Networks., , и . PAKDD (1), том 6118 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 68-80. Springer, (2010)SGPM: Static Group Pattern Mining Using Apriori-Like Sliding Window., , и . PAKDD, том 3918 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 415-424. Springer, (2006)A study on Singapore haze., , , , и . ICDCN, стр. 44:1-44:6. ACM, (2016)On Integrating Existing Bibliographic Databases and Structured Databases., и . COMPSAC, стр. 214-219. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)Price Trust Evaluation in E-service Oriented Applications., , и . CEC/EEE, стр. 165-172. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)eBroker: An Agent-Based Query Routing System for Distributed E-Commerce Databases., , и . ICPADS, стр. 517-522. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Reducing Cognitive Overheads in a Web Warehouse Using Reverse-Osmosis., , , и . ICPADS, стр. 171-178. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)To Trust or Not to Trust? Predicting Online Trusts Using Trust Antecedent Framework., , , и . ICDM, стр. 896-901. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)