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Performance Improvement of Quasi-Type-1 PLL by using a Complex Notch Filter., , , , and . IEEE Access, (2016)A Short-Term Load Forecasting Model of LSTM Neural Network considering Demand Response., , , , and . Complex., (2021)Adaptive Weighted Graph Fusion Incomplete Multi-View Subspace Clustering., , , , , , and . Sensors, 20 (20): 5755 (2020)Image Representation Learning by Transformation Regression., , , , and . ICPR, page 526-533. IEEE, (2020)Deep Fusion Clustering Network., , , , , , and . AAAI, page 9978-9987. AAAI Press, (2021)Attributed Graph Subspace Clustering with Graph-Boosting., , , and . ACML, volume 222 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, page 723-738. PMLR, (2023)A Survey of Deep Graph Clustering: Taxonomy, Challenge, and Application., , , , , , , , , and . CoRR, (2022)A framework of predicting drug resistance of lung tuberculosis by utilizing radiological images., , , and . ICACI, page 308-312. IEEE, (2018)Fast and unsupervised outlier removal by recurrent adaptive reconstruction extreme learning machine., , , , and . Int. J. Mach. Learn. Cybern., 10 (12): 3539-3556 (2019)A two-channel collaborative filtering process template recommendation algorithm: RCAN - GGCNII - 2C., , , , , and . Adv. Eng. Informatics, (2025)