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Developing a Distributed Meeting Service to Support Mobile Meeting Participants.. SMARTNET, volume 160 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 81-94. Kluwer, (1999)Ubiquitous Services for Senior Citizens - Living Process Detection and Middleware., , , and . ACIS-ICIS, page 846-851. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)On the potential for Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting for a Linear Synchronous Motor based Transport System in Factory Automation., , , , , and . ETFA, page 864-869. IEEE, (2019)Implementation of a picture based user interface to assist the elderly suffering from memory problems., , , , and . VRCAI, page 351-356. ACM, (2009)Activity recognition of the elderly., , , and . CASEMANS@Ubicomp, page 46-52. ACM, (2010)Mobile virtual participation in a distributed meeting using an omni-directional camera system., , and . HCI (2), page 533-537. Lawrence Erlbaum, (1999)Methods and network architecture for modifying extensible virtual environment to support mobility., , and . MindTrek, page 45-52. ACM, (2011)3D object reconstruction processing chain for extensible virtual spaces., , , and . MindTrek, page 223-224. ACM, (2012)Developing mobile services for specific user groups using virtual environments., , and . MUM, ACM, (2009)Developing a User Centric MultiSphere Model for Mobile Users Using a Visual Cell Platform., and . PWC, volume 195 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 263-270. Kluwer, (2001)