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Learning combination of anomaly detectors for security domain., и . Comput. Networks, (2016)Intelligence, not integration: Distributed regret minimization for IDS Control., , и . CICS, стр. 217-224. IEEE, (2011)Passive NAT detection using HTTP access logs., , и . WIFS, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2016)Game theoretical adaptation model for intrusion detection system., , , , и . AAMAS, стр. 1123-1124. IFAAMAS, (2011)Detecting DGA malware using NetFlow., , , и . IM, стр. 1304-1309. IEEE, (2015)Multi-agent approach to network intrusion detection., , , , , и . AAMAS (Demos), стр. 1695-1696. IFAAMAS, (2008)Adaptive Multiagent System for Network Traffic Monitoring., , , , , и . IEEE Intelligent Systems, 24 (3): 16-25 (2009)Dynamic information source selection for intrusion detection systems., , , , , и . AAMAS (2), стр. 1009-1016. IFAAMAS, (2009)Exploit Kit Website Detection Using HTTP Proxy Logs., , и . ICNCC, стр. 120-125. ACM, (2016)On the Value of Coordination in Distributed Self-Adaptation of Intrusion Detection System., , и . IAT, стр. 196-203. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)978-0-7695-4513-4.