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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Security sieve: a technique for enhancing the performance of secure sockets layer-based distributed systems., , und . IJPEDS, 31 (5): 481-503 (2016)Software Defect Content Estimation: A Bayesian Approach., , , und . CCECE, Seite 2449-2454. IEEE, (2006)Energy Routers for Residential AC Nano-PV Systems: Control and Security Considerations., , , und . CCECE, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2018)Devising Secure Sockets Layer-based distributed systems: A performance-aware approach., , und . IPCCC, Seite 376-383. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Robust MMSE channel estimation in OFDM systems with practical timing synchronization., , , und . WCNC, Seite 711-716. IEEE, (2004)Selective Cooperation Based on Link Distance Estimations in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks., , und . WOWMOM, Seite 391-400. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)H-DHAC: A hybrid clustering protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks., , und . IWCMC, Seite 183-188. IEEE, (2013)Cross-layer design: a survey and the road ahead., und . IEEE Communications Magazine, 43 (12): 112-119 (2005)A hybrid clustering technique using quantitative and qualitative data for wireless sensor networks., , und . Ad Hoc Networks, (2015)Cross-Layer Design: A Survey and the Road Ahead. IEEE Communications Magazine, (2005)