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Automatic Identification and Data Extraction from 2-Dimensional Plots in Digital Documents, , , , и . CoRR, (2008)Enhanced Answer Type Inference from Questions using Sequential Models., , и . HLT/EMNLP, стр. 315-322. The Association for Computational Linguistics, (2005)Searching online book documents and analyzing book citations., , , , и . ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, стр. 81-90. ACM, (2013)Optimizing scoring functions and indexes for proximity search in type-annotated corpora., , и . WWW, стр. 717-726. ACM, (2006)Segregating and extracting overlapping data points in two-dimensional plots., , , , и . JCDL, стр. 276-279. ACM, (2008)Phrase Pair Classification for Identifying Subtopics., , и . ECIR, том 7224 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 489-493. Springer, (2012)Person-Name Parsing for Linking User Web Profiles., , , , и . WebDB, стр. 20-26. ACM, (2015)Ranking authors in digital libraries., , и . JCDL, стр. 251-254. ACM, (2011)PaintTeR: Automatic Extraction of Text Spans for Generating Art-Centered Questions., , , , , и . AAAI, стр. 12503-12509. AAAI Press, (2022)Incorporating Expert Knowledge into Keyphrase Extraction., , и . AAAI, стр. 3180-3187. AAAI Press, (2017)