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Civic action brokering platforms: facilitating local engagement with ACTion Alexandria.

, , , , and . CSCW, page 1308-1322. ACM, (2014)

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Building Digitally Inclusive Communities: the Roles of Public Libraries in Digital Inclusion and Development.. ICEGOV, page 95-102. ACM, (2016)Case study in e-government education programs: preparing future government information professionals., , , and . DG.O, page 225-228. Digital Government Research Center, (2011)Libraries and e-government: new partnerships in public service., , , , , and . DG.O, page 296-297. ACM, (2012)Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating User-centered and Citizen-centered E-government., and . Int. J. Electron. Gov. Res., 6 (2): 1-17 (2010)Key factors and processes for digital government success., , and . Inf. Polity, 18 (2): 101-105 (2013)Building Journal Excellence through Quality Reviews: How to Review a Manuscript.. EGOV/ePart Ongoing Research, volume P-221 of LNI, page 274-275. GI, (2013)Community-Based E-Government: Libraries as E-Government Partners and Providers.. EGOV, volume 6228 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 121-131. Springer, (2010)Citizen-centered e-government services: benefits, costs, and research needs., , and . DG.O, volume 289 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 137-142. Digital Government Research Center, (2008)Developing national library network statistics and performance measures: issues, findings, and recommendations., , , and . IRMA Conference, page 1154-1157. IDEA Group Publishing, (2000)The Intersection of Public Policy and Public Access: Digital Divides, Digital Literacy, Digital Inclusion, and Public Libraries, , , , and . Public Library Quarterly, 31 (1): 1--20 (January 2012)