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Utilizing Gaze Detection to Simulate the Affordances of Paper in the Rapid Serial Visual Presentation Format., , и . Mobile HCI, том 2411 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 378-382. Springer, (2002)Window frames as areas for information visualization., и . NordiCHI, стр. 247-250. ACM, (2002)Pirates! Using the Physical World as a Game Board., , , и . INTERACT, стр. 423-430. IOS Press, (2001)Tisch digital tools supporting board games., , и . FDG, стр. 196-203. ACM, (2012)Gameplay Design Patterns for Believable Non-Player Characters., и . DiGRA Conference, Digital Games Research Association, (2007)Privacy and information integrity in wearable computing and ubiquitous computing., и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 177-178. ACM, (2000)Flow is Not Enough: Understanding the Needs of Advanced Amateur Runners to Design Motivation Technology., , , и . CHI, стр. 2013-2022. ACM, (2015)An alternative to scrollbars on small screens., и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 316-317. ACM, (1999)Backfiring and favouring: how design processes in HCI lead to anti-patterns and repentant designers., , и . NordiCHI, стр. 16:1-16:12. ACM, (2020)Untangling running: designing for real-life runner experiences., , , и . Interactions, 22 (2): 40-43 (2015)