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A Variance Based Image Binarization Scheme and Its Application in Text Segmentation., , and . PReMI, volume 10597 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 132-138. Springer, (2017)An early respiratory distress detection method with Markov models., , , and . EMBC, page 3438-3441. IEEE, (2014)An improved vessel extraction scheme from retinal fundus images., , and . Multim. Tools Appl., 78 (18): 25221-25239 (2019)K-NN Based Text Segmentation from Digital Images Using a New Binarization Scheme., , and . CICBA (2), volume 776 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 212-225. Springer, (2017)Detectors based on stochastic resonance, Part 2: Convergence analysis and perturbative corrections, and . Signal Processing, 87 (1): 134--147 (January 2007)Design of detectors based on stochastic resonance, and . Signal Processing, 83 (6): 1193--1212 (June 2003)An investigation of the plausibility of stochastic resonance in tubulin dimers., , and . Biosyst., 107 (2): 81-87 (2012)Perturbative corrections to stochastic resonant quantizers.. Signal Process., 86 (11): 3466-3471 (2006)