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A Performance and Scalability Analysis of the BlueGene/L Architecture., , , , , , и . SC, стр. 41. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Analysing Functions by Projection-Based Backward Abstraction.. Functional Programming, стр. 43-56. Springer, (1992)ROSE: An Optimizing Transformation System for C++ Array-Class Libraries., и . ECOOP Workshops, том 1543 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 452-453. Springer, (1998)OVERTURE: Object-Oriented Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Serial and Parallel Environments., , , , и . ECOOP Workshops, том 1543 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 446-447. Springer, (1998)Opportunistic Data-driven Execution of Parallel Programs for Efficient I/O Services., , и . IPDPS, стр. 330-341. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)DiskSeen: Exploiting Disk Layout and Access History to Enhance I/O Prefetch., , , , и . USENIX ATC, стр. 261-274. USENIX, (2007)PERs from Projections for Binding-Time Analysis.. PEPM, стр. 53-60. University of Melbourne, Australia, Department of Computer Science, (1994)Strictness Analysis in 4D., и . Functional Programming, стр. 23-43. Springer, (1990)The Parallel Asynchronous Data Routing Environment PADRE., и . ECOOP Workshops, том 1543 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 454-455. Springer, (1998)A Prefetching Scheme Exploiting both Data Layout and Access History on Disk., , , и . ACM Trans. Storage, 9 (3): 10 (2013)