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A data-driven approach for travel time prediction on motorway sections., , , , , , и . ICCVE, стр. 505-506. IEEE, (2014)Neural networks supporting causal reasoning in traffic telematics., , и . Artificial Intelligence and Applications, стр. 7-12. IASTED/ACTA Press, (2007)The elevation factor: Digital elevation model quality and sampling impacts on electric vehicle energy estimation errors., , и . MT-ITS, стр. 81-86. IEEE, (2015)Estimation of road capacity and free flow speed for urban roads under adverse weather conditions., и . ITSC, стр. 812-818. IEEE, (2010)Novel road classifications for large scale traffic networks., , , , и . ITSC, стр. 1264-1270. IEEE, (2010)Detection of faulty flow measurements based on queueing models and measured delays at intersections., и . ITSC, стр. 47-52. IEEE, (2013)Self organizing maps for traffic prediction., , и . Artificial Intelligence and Applications, стр. 25-30. IASTED/ACTA Press, (2007)Influence of Environment Conditions on Traffic Flow., , , и . ITSC, стр. 302-307. IEEE, (2007)Utilizing mobility data to facilitate the introduction of E-Taxis in Vienna: Feasibility study of a decision support system for the introduction of battery electric vehicles as Taxis., , , и . ICCVE, стр. 516-517. IEEE, (2014)