Author of the publication

Snap Decisions?: How Users, Content, and Aesthetics Interact to Shape Photo Sharing Behaviors.

, , , and . CHI, page 113-124. ACM, (2016)

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CWI-ADE2016 Dataset: Sensing nightclubs through 40 million BLE packets., , , , , and . MMSys, page 181-186. ACM, (2017)Network Explorer: Design, Implementation, and Real World Deployment of a Large Network Visualization Tool., , , , , and . AVI, page 108-111. ACM, (2016)Lessons Learned Building Low-Cost DIY Tactile Graphics and Conducting a Tactile Drawing Club in Colombia During COVID-19., and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 30:1-30:10. ACM, (2022)Identifying Best Practices for Visualizing Photo Statistics and Galleries using Treemaps., , , and . AVI, page 60-63. ACM, (2016)Digital Proxemics: Designing Social and Collaborative Interaction in Virtual Environments., , , , , and . CHI, page 423:1-423:12. ACM, (2022)Graph Analysis for Detecting Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in Healthcare Data., , , , , , , and . AI Mag., 37 (2): 33-46 (2016)The 32 Days of Christmas: Understanding Temporal Intent in Image Search Queries., , , and . CHI, page 5710-5714. ACM, (2016)E Xploring differences in multivariate Datasets using Hierarchies an Interactive Information Visualization Approach.. University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA, (2013) ( Analysis for Detecting Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in Healthcare Data., , , , , , , and . AAAI, page 3912-3919. AAAI Press, (2015)TreeVersity: Comparing tree structures by topology and node's attributes differences., , , and . IEEE VAST, page 275-276. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)