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Invited Lecture: Silver Graphs: Achievements and New Challenges.

. WG, volume 1665 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1-9. Springer, (1999)

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Clustering methods for geometric objects and applications to design problems., and . Vis. Comput., 2 (1): 31-38 (1986)Practical Strategies for Hypotheses Elimination on the Self-Localization Problem., , and . Technical Report, 236. Department of Computer Science, (August 1999)Two-Swarm PSO for Competitive Location Problems., , , and . NICSO, volume 236 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, page 115-126. Springer, (2008)A computational geometry approach to clustering problems., and . SCG, page 245-250. ACM, (1985)Upgrading trees under diameter and budget constraints., , and . Networks, 41 (1): 24-35 (2003)Dynamic Environmental Modeling by the C-Tree., and . Modelling and Planning for Sensor Based Intelligent Robot Systems, page 3-22. World Scientific, (1994)Graphentheoretische Modelle und Methoden.. Formale Modelle für Informationssysteme, volume 21 of Informatik-Fachberichte, page 170-180. Springer, (1979)Complexity and Approximability of Certain Bicriteria Location Problems., , , and . WG, volume 1017 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 73-87. Springer, (1995)RoLoPro - Simulationssoftware für die Selbstlokalisation eines autonomen mobilen Roboters., , , and . AMS, page 118-127. Springer, (1999)On the flow cost lowering problem., , and . Eur. J. Oper. Res., 137 (2): 265-271 (2002)