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Missing Data, Imputation, and Endogeneity, and . IZA DP No. 10402, (2016)Estimating worklife expectancy: an econometric approach, , , and . Journal of Econometrics, 113 (1): 83--113 (March 2003)Electoral rules and environmental policy, and . Economics Letters, 84 (2): 237--244 (August 2004)Estimation of Treatment Effects without an Exclusion Restriction: with an Application to the Analysis of the School Breakfast Program, and . Journal of Applied Econometrics, (2012)Econometric analysis of copyrights, , and . Journal of Econometrics, 139 (2): 303--317 (August 2007)Environmental regulation and US state-level production, and . Economics Letters, 87 (1): 47--53 (April 2005)Bureaucratic corruption, environmental policy and inbound US FDI: theory and evidence, , and . Journal of Public Economics, 87 (7-8): 1407--1430 (August 2003)Class Size and Educational Policy: Who Benefits from Smaller Classes?, , and . Econometric Reviews, 24 (4): 333--368 (2005)Advances in Econometrics, , , and . Volume 21, chapter Fertility and the health of children: A nonparametric investigation, page 167--195. JAI, (2008)Inequality aversion and the natural rate of subjective inequality, , and . Journal of Public Economics, 87 (5-6): 1061--1090 (May 2003)