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An Improved Iris Recognition System Using Feature Extraction Based on Wavelet Maxima Moment Invariants., and . ICB, volume 4642 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 988-996. Springer, (2007)Formal modelling of a robust Wireless Sensor Network routing protocol., , , and . AHS, page 281-288. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Text-independent MFCCs vectors classification improvement using local ICA., , and . MLSP, page 1-6. IEEE, (2013)Data cleaning and outlier removal: Application in human skin detection., , and . EUVIP, page 1-6. IEEE, (2014)Radix-4×4 for fast calculation of the 2-D NMNT., , and . ICIP (1), page 709-712. IEEE, (2003)An evolutionary snake algorithm for the segmentation of nuclei in histopathological images., , and . ICIP, page 127-130. IEEE, (2004)An FPGA-based wavelet transforms coprocessor., , , and . ICIP (3), page 194-197. IEEE, (2001)Multimodal biometric person recognition system based on fingerprint & Finger-Knuckle-Print using correlation filter classifier., , and . ICC, page 820-824. IEEE, (2012)Improving palmprint identification by combining multiple classifiers and using gabor filter., , and . ICECS, page 141-144. IEEE, (2012)A robust chaotic communication scheme for a class of dynamical systems., , , , and . CCA, page 1178-1183. IEEE, (2014)