Author of the publication

An Analytical Model of the Standard Coherent Interface "SCI".

, and . ICPP (1), page 173-177. CRC Press, (1995)

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Transmission Times in Buffered Full-Crossbar Communication Networks With Cyclic Arbitration., and . ICPP (1), page 189-196. CRC Press, (1993)M-Tree: A Parallel Abstract Data Type for Block-Irregular Adaptive Applictions., , and . Euro-Par, volume 1300 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 638-649. Springer, (1997)Optimising Shared Reduction Variables in MPI Programs., , and . Euro-Par, volume 2400 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 630-639. Springer, (2002)Performance Engineering with the UML Profile for Schedulability, Performance and Time: A Case Study., and . MASCOTS, page 67-75. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Performance Modelling of Parallel Computer Architectures., and . SIGMETRICS, page 18-27. ACM, (1986)Non-stop Haskell., , , , and . ICFP, page 257-267. ACM, (2000)SIGPLAN Notices 35(9), September 2000.Self-Clocking Networks., and . ICPP, page 384-387. IEEE Computer Society Press, (1985)An Analytical Model of the Standard Coherent Interface "SCI"., and . ICPP (1), page 173-177. CRC Press, (1995)Asynchronous Arbiter Module., , and . IEEE Trans. Computers, 24 (9): 931-932 (1975)Performance Factors in Videotex Systems., , and . INFOCOM, page 361-368. IEEE, (1984)