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The Hybrid Technique for Object-Oriented Software Change Impact Analysis., , , и . CSMR, стр. 252-255. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Using Developers Contributions on Software Vocabularies to Identify Experts., , и . ITNG, стр. 451-456. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Can computers compare student code solutions as well as teachers?, , и . SIGCSE, стр. 21-26. ACM, (2014)Aspectos de Herança em uma Ferramenta de Modelagem de Sistemas Baseada em Redes de Petri., , , и . SBES, стр. 297-312. SBC, (1998)How Many Abilities Can We Measure in Computational Thinking?: A Study on Bebras Challenge., , , и . SIGCSE, стр. 545-551. ACM, (2019)Analyzing the Impact of Leaderboards in Introductory Programming Courses' Short-Length Activities., , , и . FIE, стр. 1-9. IEEE, (2018)Recovery of Architecture Module Views using an Optimized Algorithm Based on Design Structure Matrices., , и . CoRR, (2017)Exploring computational thinking assessment in introductory programming courses., , , , и . FIE, стр. 1-9. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Computational thinking in mathematics education: A joint approach to encourage problem-solving ability., , и . FIE, стр. 1-8. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Comparison of Graph Clustering Algorithms for Recovering Software Architecture Module Views., и . CSMR, стр. 251-254. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)