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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Stabilization of spatiotemporally chaotic semiconductor laser arrays by means of delayed optical feedback, , und . Phys.~Rev.~E, (1997)Eigenmodes of the dynamically coupled twin-stripe semiconductor laser, und . Phys.~Rev.~A, (1994)Spatio-Temporal Dynamics in Twin-Stripe Semiconductor Lasers, und . Physica~D, (1994)Controlling delay-induced chaotic behavior of a semiconductor laser with optical feedback, und . Phys.~Lett.~A, (1996)High-dimensional chaotic dynamics of an external-cavity semiconductor-laser, , , und . Phys. Rev. Lett., 73 (16): 2188--2191 (1994)Spatio-temporal dynamics of semiconductor lasers: Theory, modelling and analysis, und . Prog. Quantum Electronics, (1996)Dynamic spatiotemporal speed control of ultrashort pulses in quantum-dot SOAs, , , , und . IEEE~J.~Quantum.~Electron., (2006)Mesoscopic spatiotemporal theory for quantum-dot lasers, und . Phys. Rev. A, 65 (3): 033804--033804-16 (2002)Spatio-temporal dynamics of multi-stripe semiconductor lasers with delayed optical feedback, , und . Phys. Lett. A, 222 (1-2): 67--75 (1996)Ultrafast gain dynamics in quantum-dot amplifiers: Theoretical analysis and experimental investigations, , , , und . IEEE J.~Quantum~Electron., 41 (9): 1115--1123 (2005)