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Self consistency grouping: a stringent clustering method., , and . BMC Bioinform., 13 (S-13): S3 (2012)Phenotypic categorization of genetic skin diseases reveals new relations between phenotypes, genes and pathways., , , and . Bioinform., 25 (22): 2891-2896 (2009)Considering scores between unrelated proteins in the search database improves profile comparison., , and . BMC Bioinform., (2009)ProSMoS server: a pattern-based search using interaction matrix representation of protein structures., , and . Nucleic Acids Res., 37 (Web-Server-Issue): 526-531 (2009)Structural Differences between Proteins with Similar Sequences., , , and . BIBE, page 250-256. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Phylogeny Reconstruction with Alignment-Free Method That Corrects for Horizontal Gene Transfer., , and . PLoS Comput. Biol., (2016)Pclust: protein network visualization highlighting experimental data., , and . Bioinform., 29 (20): 2647-2648 (2013)PROMALS web server for accurate multiple protein sequence alignments., , , and . Nucleic Acids Res., 35 (Web-Server-Issue): 649-652 (2007)Structural drift: a possible path to protein fold change., and . Bioinform., 21 (8): 1308-1310 (2005)ECOD domain classification of 48 whole proteomes from AlphaFold Structure Database using DPAM2., , , , , and . PLoS Comput. Biol., (February 2024)