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Slant estimation for active vision using edge directions in omnidirectional images.

, , , , , , and . ICIP (1), page 841-844. IEEE, (2003)

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A Calculus of Countable Broadcasting Systems., , and . AMAST, volume 936 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 489-503. Springer, (1995)Registering Panoramic Range Data and Omni-directional Color Image Based on Edge Histograms., , , , , and . ICPR (4), page 355-358. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Moving Object Detection with Mobile Stereo Omni-directional System (SOS) based on Motion Compensatory Inter-frame Depth Subtraction., , , , , and . ICPR (3), page 248-251. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Slant estimation for active vision using edge directions in omnidirectional images., , , , , , and . ICIP (1), page 841-844. IEEE, (2003)Software reconstruction and module management for distributed processing of train control., , , and . ISADS, page 1-6. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)DeleGate: A General Purpose Application Level Gateway., and . WWCA, volume 1274 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 426-441. Springer, (1997)An Incremental Pattern Matching Algorithm for the Pipelined Lexical Scanner., , , and . Inf. Process. Lett., 27 (5): 253-258 (1988)Periventricular leukomalacia and prenatal methamphetamine exposure: a case report., , , and . Am J Perinatol, 24 (2): 123--126 (February 2007)Eventuality in LOTOS with a Disjunction Operator., , and . ASIAN, volume 1538 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 263-281. Springer, (1998)Approximative Analysis by Process Algebra with Graded Spatial Actions., , and . AMAST, volume 1101 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 336-350. Springer, (1996)