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Assessing the Performance of Bi-objective MST for Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Instances., , and . IC3 (1), volume 94 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 229-240. Springer, (2010)Improvement of bounded-diameter MST instances with hybridization of multi-objective EA., and . ICCCS, page 468-473. ACM, (2011)Mapped-RRT* a Sampling Based Mobile Path Planner Algorithm., , and . ICDCIT, volume 13776 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 149-164. Springer, (2023)A New Reactive Secure Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks., , and . CISIM, page 103-108. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)An Efficient EA with Multipoint Guided Crossover for Bi-objective Graph Coloring Problem., , and . IC3, volume 168 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 135-145. Springer, (2011)Classical Cryptanalysis Attacks on Logic Locking Techniques., , , , and . J. Electron. Test., 35 (5): 641-654 (2019)Automated Proctoring Based on Head Orientation Analysis and Object Detection., , , , , , and . PReMI, volume 13102 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 459-469. Springer, (2021)