Author of the publication

The Dimensionality of Program Complexity.

, and . ICSE, page 245-253. IEEE Computer Society / ACM Press, (1989)

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Generating Multiple Noise Elimination Filters with the Ensemble-Partitioning Filter., and . IRI, page 369-375. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, (2004)Developing an effective validation strategy for genetic programming models based on multiple datasets., , and . IRI, page 232-237. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, (2006)Impact of Noise and Data Sampling on Stability of Feature Selection., , and . ICMLA (1), page 172-177. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)A Comprehensive Empirical Study of Count Models for Software Fault Prediction., and . IEEE Trans. Reliability, 56 (2): 223-236 (2007)Evaluating the impact of data quality on sampling., , and . IRI, page 31-36. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, (2010)A comparative evaluation of feature ranking methods for high dimensional bioinformatics data., , and . IRI, page 315-320. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, (2011)Measuring robustness of Feature Selection techniques on software engineering datasets., , and . IRI, page 309-314. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, (2011)Count Models for Software Quality Estimation., and . Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, IGI Global, (2009)Aggregating Performance Metrics for Classifier Evaluation., , and . IRI, page 35-40. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, (2009)Evaluating Model Predictive Performance: A Medicare Fraud Detection Case Study., , and . IRI, page 9-14. IEEE, (2019)