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Experiences with Backward Simulation Based Approach for Lot Release Planning.

, und . WSC, Seite 773-780. ACM, (1997)

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An R Package for Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall., , und . Commun. Stat. Simul. Comput., 45 (9): 3416-3434 (2016)Hunting Data Rogues at Scale: Data Quality Control for Observational Data in Research Infrastructures., , , , , , , , , und 8 andere Autor(en). eScience, Seite 446-447. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Scenario analysis and strategic planning: practical applications for radiology practices., und . Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR, 7 (5): 369--73 (Mai 2010)Instant messaging bots: accountability and peripheral participation for textual user interfaces., , und . GROUP, Seite 113-115. ACM, (2005)VERN: facilitating democratic group decision making online., , und . GROUP, Seite 116-119. ACM, (2005)A New Deep Learning Engine for CoralNet., , , , und . ICCVW, Seite 3686-3695. IEEE, (2021)Patient Entity Recognition by Automatic EHR Context Understanding and Deep Learning., , , , , und . BIBM, Seite 1096-1099. IEEE, (2019)A collaborative filtering framework based on fuzzy association rules and multiple-level similarity, , und . Knowledge and Information Systems, 10 (3): 357--381 (Oktober 2006)Bias reduction in the population size estimation of large data sets., , , und . Comput. Stat. Data Anal., (2020)Movements of the Substrate-Binding Clamp of Cypemycin Decarboxylase CypD., , , , , , und . J. Chem. Inf. Model., 59 (6): 2924-2929 (2019)