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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Multiple Access Protocols and Scheduling Algorithms for Multiple Channel Wireless Networks., , , und . Handbook of Algorithms for Wireless Networking and Mobile Computing, Chapman and Hall/CRC, (2005)Switched-capacitor based step-up converter for alternative energy applications., , , und . ISCAS, Seite 1355-1358. IEEE, (2011)A new collision resolution mechanism to enhance the performance of IEEE 802.11 DCF., , und . IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 53 (4): 1235-1246 (2004)SHREC'12 Track: Generic 3D Shape Retrieval., , , , , , , , , und 3 andere Autor(en). 3DOR, Seite 119-126. Eurographics Association, (2012)Correction to Identification of Small-Molecule Inhibitors against Human Leukocyte Antigen-Death Receptor 4 (HLA-DR4) Through a Comprehensive Strategy., , , , und . Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 51 (7): 1737 (2011)Multiple UAV Simulation With Multiresolution Multistage Models And Decision Support., , und . MSV, Seite 70-76. CSREA Press, (2008)Optimal randomized classification in adversarial settings., und . AAMAS, Seite 485-492. IFAAMAS/ACM, (2014)Fuzzy position-force control in training systems with haptic guidance., , , , und . FSKD, Seite 207-212. IEEE, (2013)Allocating Bandwidth in Datacenter Networks: A Survey., , und . J. Comput. Sci. Technol., 29 (5): 910-917 (2014)Dynamics and Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles with Internal Actuators.. Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, USA, (2016) (