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Extending the decision field theory to model operators' reliance on automation in supervisory control situations., и . IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part A, 36 (5): 943-959 (2006)Agent Cooperation Based Control Integration by Activity-Sharing and Joint Intention., и . J. Comput. Sci. Technol., 17 (3): 331-339 (2002)A policy-driven multi-agent system for OGSA-compliant grid control., , , и . SMC (6), стр. 5525-5530. IEEE, (2004)A Formal Framework for Policy-Governed Institutional Agency., , , и . CSSE (3), стр. 437-440. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)978-0-7695-3336-0.ACMFS: An abnormal circumstance-driven self-maintenance mechanism based on flexible scheduling., и . ICIS, стр. 318-323. IEEE, (2010)A Model of Multi-agent System Based on Policies and Contracts., и . CEEMAS, том 3690 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 62-71. Springer, (2005)An Automatic Policy Refinement Mechanism for Policy-Driven Grid Service Systems., и . GCC, том 3795 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 166-171. Springer, (2005)Service Cooperation-Based Trusted and Autonomic Virtual Organizations., и . AICI (1), том 7002 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 456-466. Springer, (2011)An Agents Based Grid Infrastructure of Social Intelligence., , , и . AWCC, том 3309 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 33-38. Springer, (2004)A black-box adversarial attack on demand side management., и . Comput. Chem. Eng., (2024)