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Human-Robot Collaboration Using Sequential-Recurrent-Convolution-Network-Based Dynamic Face Emotion and Wireless Speech Command Recognitions., , и . IEEE Access, (2023)Multivariable Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Unknown Dynamic Systems Using Recurrent Neural-Network.. IJCNN, стр. 5006-5011. IEEE, (2006)Fuzzy linear-model-based robust control for a class of nonlinear stochastic systems.. FUZZ-IEEE, стр. 458-463. IEEE, (2003)Microprocessor-Based Fuzzy Decentralized Control of 2-D Piezo-Driven Systems.. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 55 (3): 1411-1420 (2008)Hybrid neural network under-actuated sliding-mode control for trajectory tracking of quad-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle.. IJCNN, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2012)Neural-network-based 3-D localization and inverse kinematics for target grasping of a humanoid robot by an active stereo vision system., и . IJCNN, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2012)A trajectory tracking of biped robots using fuzzy-model-based sliding-mode control.. CDC, стр. 203-208. IEEE, (2002)Fuzzy decentralized variable structure tracking control with optimal and improved robustness designs for nonlinear interconnected systems.. CDC, стр. 197-202. IEEE, (2002)A trajectory tracking of legged robot using decentralized control with robustness designs., и . ACC, стр. 3998-4003. IEEE, (2004)A fuzzy-model-based variable structure control for robot arms: theory and experiments., и . SMC (6), стр. 5252-5258. IEEE, (2004)