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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

The contribution of information technology to the performance of SMEs: alignment of critical dimensions., , , und . ECIS, Seite 173-187. Euro-Arab Management School, (1998)Information Technology and Organizational Structure Revisited: Implications for Performance., , und . ICIS, Seite 129-143. Association for Information Systems, (1993)Tensorial Square of the Hyperoctahedral Group Coinvariant Space., und . Electron. J. Comb., (2006)A Framework for Evaluating Strategic Location-Based Applications in Businesses., , , und . HICSS, IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Testing BPR Common Wisdom., , , und . HICSS (4), Seite 155-165. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)Development of a Measure to Assess the Quality of User-Developed Applications., , , und . DATA BASE, 28 (3): 44-58 (1997)Invariant and Coinvariant Spaces for the Algebra of Symmetric Polynomials in Non-Commuting Variables., und . Electron. J. Comb., (2010)Interorganizational Governance of Information Technology., und . HICSS, Seite 1-8. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Co-quasi-invariant spaces for generalized symmetric groups., und . J. Comb. Theory A, 119 (7): 1432-1446 (2012)DARWIN, a System designed for the Study of Enumerative Combinatorics., und . European Conference on Computer Algebra (2), Volume 204 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 444-445. Springer, (1985)