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The optimal use of fines and imprisonment when wealth is unobservable. Journal of Public Economics, 90 (4-5): 823--835 (May 2006)Pigouvian taxation with administrative costs, and . Journal of Public Economics, 19 (3): 385--394 (December 1982)An introduction to law and economics. Little, Brown, Boston u.a., 2. ed edition, (1989)A model of optimal fines for repeat offenders, and . Journal of Public Economics, 46 (3): 291--306 (December 1991)Amenities and property values in a model of an urban area : A reply, and . Journal of Public Economics, 9 (1): 111--112 (February 1978)Amenities and property values in a model of an urban area, and . Journal of Public Economics, 5 (1-2): 119--129 (00 1976)Corruption and optimal law enforcement, and . Journal of Public Economics, 81 (1): 1--24 (July 2001)The optimal use of fines and imprisonment, and . Journal of Public Economics, 24 (1): 89--99 (June 1984)Optimal awards and penalties when the probability of prevailing varies among plaintiffs, and . NBER working paper series National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass., (1993)