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Optimal Linear Regression on Classifier Outputs., , и . ICANN, том 1327 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 481-486. Springer, (1997)Scale-sensitive Psi-dimensions: the Capacity Measures for Classifiers Taking Values in R^Q. CoRR, (2007)Rademacher complexity of margin multi-category classifiers.. Neural Comput. Appl., 32 (24): 17995-18008 (2020)Generalization Bounds for Inductive Matrix Completion in Low-Noise Settings., , , , и . AAAI, стр. 8447-8455. AAAI Press, (2023)Rademacher complexity of margin multi-category classifiers.. WSOM, стр. 249-254. IEEE, (2017)Cascading Discriminant and Generative Models for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction., , и . PRIB, том 7632 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 166-177. Springer, (2012)Combining Statistical Models for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction., и . ICANN, том 1112 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 599-604. Springer, (1996)Model Selection for the ℓ2-SVM by Following the Regularization Path., , и . Trans. Comput. Collect. Intell., (2014)A sharper bound on the Rademacher complexity of margin multi-category classifiers., , и . ESANN, (2018)A New Multi-Class SVM Based on a Uniform Convergence Result., , и . IJCNN (4), стр. 183-188. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)0-7695-0619-4.