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Statistical Analyses of Brain Surfaces Using Gaussian Random Fields on 2-D Manifolds.

, , , , and . IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 26 (1): 46-57 (2007)

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Statistical Analyses of Brain Surfaces Using Gaussian Random Fields on 2-D Manifolds., , , , and . IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 26 (1): 46-57 (2007)Mapping Cortical Gray Matter Asymmetry Patterns in Adolescents with Heavy Prenatal Alcohol Exposure., , , , , , , , and . NeuroImage, 17 (4): 1807-1819 (2002)Shape-Based 3D Surface Correspondence Using Geodesics and Local Geometry., , and . CVPR, page 2644-2651. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Ecological nuances in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI): psychological stressors, posture, and hydrostatics., , , , , , and . NeuroImage, 25 (1): 1-7 (2005)Calculation of the confidence intervals for transformation parameters in the registration of medical images., , , , , , and . Medical Image Anal., 13 (2): 215-233 (2009)Improved Warping of Diffusion Tensor Fields Free of Artifacts., and . BMEI (2), page 728-732. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)978-0-7695-3118-2.Detecting determinism in short time series, with an application to the analysis of a stationary EEG recording., , and . Biol. Cybern., 86 (5): 335-342 (2002)A Support-Based Reconstruction for SENSE MRI., , and . Sensors, 13 (4): 4029-4040 (2013)Alterations in neural connectivity in preterm children at school age., , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). NeuroImage, 48 (2): 458-463 (2009)Correcting Nonuniformities in MRI Intensities Using Entropy Minimization Based on an Elastic Model., , and . MICCAI (1), volume 3216 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 78-86. Springer, (2004)