Author of the publication

A Lightweight Library for Building Scalable Tools.

, , and . PARA (2), volume 7134 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 419-429. Springer, (2010)

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Performance Measurement for Parallel and Distributed Programs: A Structured and Automatic Approach., and . IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 15 (12): 1615-1629 (1989)Mr. Scan: extreme scale density-based clustering using a tree-based network of GPGPU nodes., , and . SC, page 84:1-84:11. ACM, (2013)Performance Measurement of Interpreted Programs., and . Euro-Par, volume 1470 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 146-156. Springer, (1998)Diagnosing Distributed Systems with Self-propelled Instrumentation., and . Middleware, volume 5346 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 82-103. Springer, (2008)A Security Attack and Defense in the Grid Environment.. PVM/MPI, volume 2474 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 10. Springer, (2002)A Loop-Aware Search Strategy for Automated Performance Analysis., and . HPCC, volume 3726 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 573-584. Springer, (2005)SpanL: Creating Algorithms for Automatic API Misuse Detection with Program Analysis Compositions., , , and . ACNS Workshops, volume 13907 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 515-529. Springer, (2023)How to Open a File and Not Get Hacked., and . ARES, page 1196-1203. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Learning to Analyze Binary Computer Code., , , and . AAAI, page 798-804. AAAI Press, (2008)IPS: An Interactive and Automatic Performance Measurement Tool for Parallel and Distributed Programs., and . ICDCS, page 482-489. IEEE Computer Society, (1987)