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LADDER: Architecting Content and Location-aware Writes for Crossbar Resistive Memories., , , , and . MICRO, page 117-130. ACM, (2021)Path-Based Processing using In-Memory Systolic Arrays for Accelerating Data-Intensive Applications., , , , and . ICCAD, page 1-9. IEEE, (2023)READ-based In-Memory Computing using Sentential Decision Diagrams., , , and . ASPDAC, page 818-823. IEEE, (2024)Logic Synthesis for Digital In-Memory Computing., , and . ICCAD, page 90:1-90:9. ACM, (2022)Hybrid Analog-Digital In-Memory Computing., , and . ICCAD, page 1-9. IEEE, (2021)Verification of Flow-Based Computing Systems Using Bounded Model Checking., , , , and . ICCAD, page 1-9. IEEE, (2023)STREAM: Towards READ-based In-Memory Computing for Streaming based Data Processing., , , , and . ASP-DAC, page 690-695. IEEE, (2022)Towards resilient analog in-memory deep learning via data layout re-organization., , , and . DAC, page 859-864. ACM, (2022)Hybrid Digital-Digital In-Memory Computing., , , and . DATE, page 1177-1180. IEEE, (2022)Execution Sequence Optimization for Processing In-Memory using Parallel Data Preparation., , , , and . DAC, page 33:1-33:6. ACM, (2024)