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Other publications of authors with the same name

The Use of Ontologies in Contextually Aware Environments, , and . Proceedings of First International Workshop on Advanced Context Modelling, Reasoning And Management, page 42-47. Nottingham, UK, (2004)Scientific Process Automation and Workflow Management, , , , , , , , , and 6 other author(s). Scientific Data Management, chapter 13, Chapman & Hall, (2009)Navigational hypertext models For physical hypermedia environments., , , , and . Hypertext, page 110-111. ACM, (2004)Archetypal Narratives in Social Machines: Approaching Sociality through Prosopography., , , and . WebSci, page 24:1-24:10. ACM, (2015)Software Design for Empowering Scientists., and . IEEE Software, 26 (1): 88-95 (2009)Ontological user profiling in recommender systems., , and . ACM Trans. Inf. Syst., 22 (1): 54-88 (2004)A Network of Noise: Designing with a Decade of Data to Sonify JANET., , and . Audio Mostly Conference, page 36:1-36:5. ACM, (2017)Musical Part Classification in Content Based Systems., and . OHS-6/SC-2, volume 1903 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 66-76. Springer, (2000)Scientific Social Objects: The Social Objects and Multidimensional Network of the myExperiment Website., , , and . SocialCom/PASSAT, page 1398-1402. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)REST and Linked Data: a match made for domain driven development?, , and . WS-REST, page 22-25. ACM, (2011)