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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Antecedents of Patenting Activity of European Universities, , , , und . (2006)Do science-technology interactions pay off when developing technology?., , , , , und . Scientometrics, 57 (3): 355-367 (2003)Exploring the scope of open innovation: a bibliometric review of a decade of research., , und . Scientometrics, 104 (3): 951-983 (2015)Policies to Stimulate Regional Innovation Capabilities via University-Industry Collaboration: An Analysis and an Assessment, , und . SSRN eLibrary, (2003)To what extent do SMEs contribute to Europe's patent stock? A methodological outline for creating a Europe-wide SME technology indicator., , , und . Scientometrics, 127 (6): 3049-3082 (2022)Scenario-driven forecasting: modeling peaks and paths. Insights from the COVID-19 pandemic in Belgium., , , und . Scientometrics, 124 (3): 2703-2715 (2020)Using Text Mining Algorithms for Patent Documents and Publications., und . Springer Handbook of Science and Technology Indicators, Springer, (2019)The role of inter- and intra-organisational networks in innovation: towards requisite variety., , , , und . Scientometrics, 128 (7): 4117-4136 (Juli 2023)Exploring the feasibility and accuracy of Latent Semantic Analysis based text mining techniques to detect similarity between patent documents and scientific publications., , und . Scientometrics, 82 (2): 289-306 (2010)Measuring industry-science links through inventor-author relations: A profiling methodology., , und . Scientometrics, 70 (2): 379-391 (2007)