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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Guitare électrique nouvelle génération. Proceedings of Journées d'informatique Musicale, Bourges, (Juni 2001)Musical harmonization with constraints: A survey, und . Constraints, 6 (1): 7-19 (2001)Noms de Fichiers: Le Nom. STP (Du Sujet: Théorie et Praxis), 6, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, (2003)The HiFi of the Future: Toward new modes of Music-ing. Proceedings of ICHIM 04, (2004)Constraint-Based Spatialization, und . First COST-G6 Workshop on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX98), Barcelona, Spain, (November 1998)A Combinatorial approach to Content-based Music Selection, , und . Proceedings of IEEE Multimedia Computing and Systems International Conference 1999, Seite 457--462. Firenze, (1999)Annotations for Real Time Music Spatialization, und . Proceedings of International Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Interactive Multimedia Systems, Trento, Italy, (1998)Active Listening: What is in the Air?. L'Angelot, (1999)Improving Multi-Class Analysis of Music Titles: A Large-Scale Study, und . (2008)Accepted with major changes, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing.Representing Musical Genre: A State of the Art, und . Journal of New Music Research, 32 (1): 83-93 (2003)