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Microscopic chaos and Gaussian diffusion processes, и . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 307 (3-4): 275--296 (01.05.2002)The implied jump risk of LIBOR rates, , и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 29 (10): 2503--2522 (октября 2005)A functional approach to the price impact of stock trades and the implied true price, и . Journal of Empirical Finance, 15 (1): 1--16 (января 2008)Optimal liquidation strategies and their implications, , и . Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31 (4): 1431--1450 (апреля 2007)Intrusion Detection, Internet Law Enforcement and Insurance Coverage to Accelerate the Proliferation of Internet Business Singapore., , , и . Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, (1999)SNMS - Shadow Network Management System., , , и . Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, (1999)Algorithmic Finance - A Companion to Data Science. WorldScientific, (2022)