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Building understanding of municipal operations centers as smart city' initiatives: insights from a cross-case analysis.

, , , , and . EGOSE, page 19-30. ACM, (2016)

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Building understanding of municipal operations centers as smart city' initiatives: insights from a cross-case analysis., , , , and . EGOSE, page 19-30. ACM, (2016)A smart city initiative: a case study of Porto Alegre 156., , , and . DG.O, page 245-252. ACM, (2014)Building Smart City Governance Competencies: The CAP4CITY training modules (poster)., , and . EGOV-CeDEM-ePart-*, volume 3399 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2022)Contact Center in a Smart Cities View: a Comparative Case Study of Curitiba (Brazil), Porto Alegre (Brazil) and Philadelphia (USA)., , , and . ICEGOV, page 215-222. ACM, (2016)Identifying factors that influence the transition towards a smarter sustainable city: Preliminary findings of the case study of Porto Alegre, Brazil (poster).. EGOV-CeDEM-ePart-*, volume 3399 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2022)Clearing the existing fog over the smart sustainable city concept: highlighting the importance of governance., , and . ICEGOV, page 628-637. ACM, (2020)Drivers and Barriers for the development of Smart Sustainable Cities: : A Systematic Literature Review.. ICEGOV, page 422-428. ACM, (2021)Devising an Urban Learning Centre for Municipalities in Eastern Partnership Countries., and . I3E, volume 14316 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 403-417. Springer, (2023)