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Nondeterministic Quantum Query and Communication Complexities.. SIAM J. Comput., 32 (3): 681-699 (2003)Simultaneous Communication Protocols with Quantum and Classical Messages., , и . Chic. J. Theor. Comput. Sci., (2008)Quantum SDP-Solvers: Better upper and lower bounds., , , и . Quantum, (2020)Exponential Lower Bound for 2-Query Locally Decodable Codes via a Quantum Argument, и . CoRR, (2002)Lower Bounds on Matrix Rigidity via a Quantum Argument. CoRR, (2005)Guest Column: A Survey of Quantum Learning Theory., и . SIGACT News, 48 (2): 41-67 (2017)Decidability and Undecidability of Marked PCP., , и . STACS, том 1563 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 207-216. Springer, (1999)On Quantum Versions of the Yao Principle., и . STACS, том 2285 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 347-358. Springer, (2002)Average-Case Quantum Query Complexity., и . STACS, том 1770 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 133-144. Springer, (2000)Quantum Algorithms for Element Distinctness., , , , , , и . CCC, стр. 131-137. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)