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Other publications of authors with the same name

Signaling performance of SIP based VoIP: a measurement-based approach., and . GLOBECOM, page 5. IEEE, (2005)Multi-level Anomaly Detection with Application-Level Data., and . SEKE, page 718-. Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, (2007)Performance and Reliability Analysis ofWeb Server Software Architectures., , and . PRDC, page 351-358. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Resource Provisioning in an E-commerce Application., and . CEC/EEE, page 209-214. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Performance and Availability Analysis of an E-Commerce Site., and . COMPSAC (1), page 495-502. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)An Advanced System for Modeling Asymmetric Threats., , , , , and . SMC, page 3943-3948. IEEE, (2006)Performance Analysis of a Web Server with Dynamic Thread Pool Architecture., and . SEKE, page 99-105. Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, (2010)Web server performance analysis., and . ICWE, page 111-112. ACM, (2006)