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Trade liberalization and the allocation of labor between households and markets in a poor country, и . Journal of International Economics, 69 (2): 272--295 (июля 2006)International trade and child labor: Cross-country evidence, и . Journal of International Economics, 68 (1): 115--140 (января 2006)Airbus versus Boeing revisited: international competition in the aircraft market, и . Journal of International Economics, 64 (2): 223--245 (декабря 2004)Trade, wages, and the political economy of trade protection: evidence from the Colombian trade reforms, и . Journal of International Economics, 66 (1): 75--105 (мая 2005)The effect of trade liberalization on child labor, и . Journal of International Economics, 65 (2): 401--419 (марта 2005)Distributional Effects of Globalization in Developing Countries, и . JEL, (июня 2007)