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Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling based on workload decomposition., , и . ISLPED, стр. 174-179. ACM, (2004)Power-aware source routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks., , и . ISLPED, стр. 72-75. ACM, (2002)Fast photovoltaic array reconfiguration for partial solar powered vehicles., , , и . ISLPED, стр. 357-362. ACM, (2014)In-order pulsed charge recycling in off-chip data buses., , и . ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, стр. 371-374. ACM, (2008)Buffer sizing for minimum energy-delay product by using an approximating polynomial., , и . ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, стр. 112-115. ACM, (2003)Energy-aware MPEG-4 FGS streaming., , и . DAC, стр. 912-915. ACM, (2003)LEQA: latency estimation for a quantum algorithm mapped to a quantum circuit fabric., и . DAC, стр. 42:1-42:7. ACM, (2013)An efficient network on-chip architecture based on isolating local and non-local communications., , , и . DATE, стр. 350-353. EDA Consortium San Jose, CA, USA / ACM DL, (2013)Efficient representation, stratification, and compression of variational CSM library waveforms using Robust Principle Component Analysis., и . DATE, стр. 1285-1290. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Low power techniques for address encoding and memory allocation., и . ASP-DAC, стр. 245-250. ACM, (2001)